Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Land in Washington

Address: TBD Marx Rd Rice 99167

Approximate value $: 110,000

44 acres of heavily timbered ground. It is mostly ponderosa pine with some other mixed species. It has a seasonal pond surrounded by aspens. Excellant for recreational use. Elk, deer, moose, bear and other wildlife abound. Located less than one mile off of a paved county road and 5 miles from the Columbia River/Lake Roosevelt. Beautiful views and privacy. Clear deed. Legal easement to property.

In exchange for House in Colorado, Kansas, Washington

House or cabin, preferably finished, but will consider any, with 5+ acres of land. Remote location OK. Desire drilled well. Alternative energy setup a plus.

ID: 13922, Submitted: 04/27/2011 11:24:19, Updated: 04/27/2011 11:24:19, Visitors: 2738


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