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Condominium in Florida

Address: 2400 s.ocean dr. s.hutchinson island 34949

Approximate value $: 130,000

I have a condo on the ocean totally renovated,every thing in the condo is brand new,9 hole golf course,5 swiming pools,6 tennis courts,too much to list,I would be willing to use it as a down payment for land or a house in new jersey,if interested I can email you a visual tour of condo and community

In exchange for Property in New Jersey

Approximate value $ : 100,000 to 550,000

for land to build on or a house that is already built

ID: 10096, Submitted: 11/27/2010 11:18:06, Updated: 11/27/2010 11:25:36, Visitors: 2169


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