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Town House in Georgia

Address: 998 Old Holcomb Bridge RD Atlanta, GA 30076

Approximate value $: 82,000

2 story townhouse with 2 bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms with small walk-in closets. Brick front end unit with carport, sisal carpet, and all appliances. Photos are of a similar property in the subdivision so you can get an idea of what the property looks like. This has been a much loved townhouse for the 6 years I lived in it.

In exchange for House in Texas, 78759

Approximate value $ : 85,000

I am looking to swap for a condo/townhouse/property in the Austin, TX or Hill Country area. Preferred is 2 bed, 2 bath for a condo-townhouse, but am open to other options.

ID: 14380, Submitted: 05/28/2011 13:48:32, Updated: 05/28/2011 13:48:32, Visitors: 6036


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