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House in Georgia

Address: Hickory Loop 39845

Approximate value $: 190000

This "like new " small 2/1 Lake retreat home is tucked under the Hickory trees and sits overlooking the Chattahoochee River and Lake Seminole in S.W. Georgia. Completely gutted and remodeled in 2007; floor, walls, windows, electric, plumbing, appliances, a/c, fireplace etc. Appraised in April 2008 for $181k excluding furnishings and new dock.

In exchange for House in Florida

Approximate value $ : 190000

Small home, condo, duplex $100k +/- in Fl. or sell (price firm)

ID: 1793, Submitted: 11/05/2008 17:35:52, Updated: 12/01/2008 08:21:23, Visitors: 3223


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