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House in California

Address: mojave 93501

Approximate value $: 240,000

Located upper desert in Southern California. Approx 98 miles from Los Angeles. Inbetween the towns of Mojave/Rosamond on Main Highway, 1/4 mile from Freeway. 1986 Up-graded Mobilehome, Studio Apartment, Carport for three cars, Large Metal shop, lots of concrete slab, other small corrugated metal garden adn tool sheds. Securly Fenced, Paid in full, Mining Historical area, Owned since 1972. Water well, Propane, wood heat, Electricity. Taxes per year if you qualify for exemptions $160.00 PER YEAR, other wise $320.00 per year. More info upon request.

In exchange for House in Oregon, 93501

Approximate value $ : Same or less

Possible Brookings, OR, Costal or waterfront. Easy maintenance, small or no yard, We are early 60's. Health issues has slowed us down and would like waterfront home for children living in california and upper oregon to vist for vacations.

ID: 25307, Submitted: 03/28/2016 03:53:46, Updated: 03/28/2016 03:53:46, Visitors: 8222


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