Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in California

Address: Corcoran 93212

Approximate value $: 100000

It's located in Corcoran california... Good place to raise ur childern... House is 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms needs little work everything works great... It also has 1 acre... I own the house free and clear... City water.. Is usually 100 dollars a month... And electric is usually like 80 dollars a month.. Plus gas 30 bucks a month to keep this house running..not expensive at all....

In exchange for House in California, Washington, Yucatan

Approximate value $ : 100000

Yard at least 3 bedrooms. 2 bathrooms it don't matter that it is a fixer upper... I would prefer a house free and clear but if the payments are low.. And something we can work with that's great... I also prefer to do a home exchange for 2 weeks and see how we like it before the trade... And if the house is a fixer upper as long as its livable then we can talk... Call 6195485042 Sam..

ID: 21557, Submitted: 04/12/2012 07:17:33, Updated: 04/12/2012 07:26:44, Visitors: 5289


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