Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in California

Address: Pine Needle Lane Swansboro, CA. 95667

Approximate value $: $350,000

Our beautiful 3 bd 2 bth, 1600 sq ft mountain home in Swansboro, just north of Placerville, between SF and Tahoe. Built in 2005. Private airport at Swansboro. Less than an hour to Tahoe.

In exchange for Condominium in California

Approximate value $ : $300,000

Looking for San Diego beach property, i.e., Carlsbad, Encinitas,a condo or beach mobile home OK, gated area even better.

ID: 17593, Submitted: 10/02/2011 21:55:51, Updated: 10/02/2011 21:55:51, Visitors: 4353


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