Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in California

Address: 92648

Approximate value $: 800000

Orange County, HB, 2 miles from Pier, beautiful gated community, 3bd/2.5ba, 3 story, 5 years old, granite counters, wood floors, stainless steel appliance, pool, 2 car garage, fireplace, beautiful home.

In exchange for House in California

Approximate value $ : 700000

LA/SouthBay/Westside area - 3bed 2ba, yard small ok, garage, good neighborhood, very good condition. Looking for 1-2 year swap.

ID: 10436, Submitted: 12/08/2010 14:49:14, Updated: 12/08/2010 14:50:13, Visitors: 4723


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