Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Arkansas

Address: Fairfield Bay 72088

Approximate value $: 80,000

I have a home in the Ozarks of Arkansas, 2BR 2 BA about 1800 SF, porch, Value about $80,000. Community has pools, golf course, etc. Near large lake, great fishing. Lots of woods. Excellent hunting nearby. Home can be left furnished. Low property taxes.

In exchange for Land in Any state

Approximate value $ : 20,000-200,000

Will trade for land almost anywhere. Will consider home in Arizona, New Mexico or Southern Utah. Could trade up to about $200,000 and add cash or trade down and take take cash and/or other items (vehicle, etc).

ID: 22332, Submitted: 07/31/2012 15:08:27, Updated: 07/31/2012 16:43:58, Visitors: 9719


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