Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Condominium in California

Address: 225d Sharon lane Port Hueneme 93041

Approximate value $: 160000

Opportunity to make a change! Divorcing, downsizing, tired of renting? Mines free and clear. I also have 2 sfrs three beds, 2 baths in Houston one is $75k free and clear, one $100k $50k mortgage. Lastly, my 1900 stakebed pickup and 1979 reinell cabin cruiser. So, I have over $285 equity and want only one property! Whatcha got?

In exchange for House in Any state

Approximate value $ : 250000

It's the numbers first! Please no fixers, junk, problems, etc. I'm age 70, and just looking for something that will give us income for 15+ years. After that, my kids can deal with it! I also have a boat and 1900 pick-up replicar..daily driver!

ID: 12042, Submitted: 01/26/2011 09:04:41, Updated: 01/26/2011 09:04:41, Visitors: 2725


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